Ovarian Cancer

September Resource Roundup

September Resource Roundup
Welcome to our monthly resource roundup! Each month, we curate study opportunities, new clinical trials, research results, news articles, personal perspectives, and upcoming events of interest to women and families affected by breast, ovarian, or metastatic breast cancer.

August Resource Roundup

August Resource Roundup
Welcome to our monthly resource roundup! Each month, we’ll be curating study opportunities, new clinical trials, research results, news articles, personal perspectives, and upcoming events of interest to women and families affected by breast, ovarian, or metastatic breast cancer.

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month: Use #IWishIKnew to Educate Women Everywhere

This September, join ovarian cancer advocates across the country for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month through the #IWishIKnew campaign.

In honor of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month this September, SHARE, along with other ovarian cancer nonprofits, is highlighting the voices of ovarian cancer survivors and patients speaking out on what they wish the public knew about ovarian cancer.

July Resource Roundup

July Resource Roundup
Welcome to our monthly resource roundup! Each month, we’ll be curating study opportunities, new clinical trials, research results, news articles, personal perspectives, and upcoming events of interest to women and families affected by breast, ovarian, or metastatic breast cancer.

June Resource Roundup

June Resource Roundup
Welcome to our monthly resource roundup! Each month, we’ll be curating study opportunities, new clinical trials, research results, news articles, personal perspectives, and upcoming events of interest to women and families affected by breast, ovarian, or metastatic breast cancer.

Pamela’s Story: Stage IC Ovarian Cancer

I was recently diagnosed with stage IC ovarian cancer and would love to share my story. My story is rare in the fact that I found the cancer at stage IC and I am a firm believer that having things checked and listening to your body saved my life. Thank you for listening.

May Resource Roundup

May Resource Roundup
Welcome to our monthly resource roundup! Each month, we’ll be curating study opportunities, new clinical trials, research results, news articles, personal perspectives, and upcoming events of interest to women and families affected by breast, ovarian, or metastatic breast cancer.

National Minority Health Month: Harlem Health & Wellness Summit

On April 27, SHARE celebrated National Minority Health Month with our first ever Health & Wellness Summit in Harlem, NY. Speakers, panelists, exhibitors, and attendees gathered at the National Black Theatre in Harlem, NY for cooking demos, mindful meditation, movement routines, and talks on heart health, radiology, and breast, ovarian, prostate and colon cancer.

April Resource Roundup

April Resource Roundup
Welcome to our monthly resource roundup! Each month, we’ll be curating study opportunities, new clinical trials, research results, news articles, personal perspectives, and upcoming events of interest to women and families affected by breast, ovarian, or metastatic breast cancer.

March Resource Roundup

March Resource Roundup
Welcome to our monthly resource roundup! Each month, we’ll be curating study opportunities, new clinical trials, research results, news articles, personal perspectives, and upcoming events of interest to women and families affected by breast, ovarian, or metastatic breast cancer.

National Helpline: