Meet a Helpline Volunteer: Victoria

Five years ago I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, which came as a complete shock after having been cancer free for 9 years. It took me almost two years to adjust to this and medical treatments I was going through.  It seemed that for these 2 years everything in my life was put on hold.

January 2019 Resource Roundup

Welcome to our new, monthly resource roundup! Each month, we’ll be curating study opportunities, new clinical trials, research results, news articles, personal perspectives, and upcoming events of interest to women and families affected by breast, ovarian, or metastatic breast cancer.

Food to Fuel Treatment and Recovery

If you are undergoing or recovering from breast cancer treatments, be it surgery, chemotherapy or radiation, your main focus is on getting rid of the cancer. Nutrition can play a vital role in your treatment recovery, prevention of cancer recurrence, and overall health and well-being.

National Helpline: