SHARE Builds on the Impact of Pink & Teal

Empowering those we serve with knowledge about breast and gynecologic cancers is at the very core of our work at SHARE.

We have a strong heritage of offering education for everyone. Our outreach extends from corporate settings to under resourced communities. The information we provide can improve outcomes and even save lives! In our Pink & Teal presentations, we share our personal experiences, highlight cancer signs and symptoms, separate common myths from important facts, and help everyone understand their risk factors.

We are excited to share the new video presentation that brings our Pink & Teal presentations to life in a whole new way! Introduced By Jennie Santiago, or Senior Director of LatinaSHARE Patient Support and Education, narrated by Serrina Goodman, our Ambassador Coordinator and summed up by Carol Evans, our CEO and Executive Director, the video features important information and eye-opening experiences from many throughout the SHARE team.

We invite you to view the new Rink & Teal video now!

Pink & Teal presentations can be hosted live, or via: Zoom, or we can even provide a link for the videos to be viewed individually. Each live presentation will include a special package of highly informative one-page brochures for breast, ovarian, uterine, and cervical cancer.

If you would like to schedule a Pink & Teal presentation at your place of work or for your community group, please call Athena Efter at: 212.937.5581.
Or email:

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