Part I - Anticipatory Grief: Experiencing grief before the loss has happened

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Anticipatory grief is the emotional experience when there is an impending loss that will occur. Often, people associate loss and grief with death, this is just one area in which grief and loss can occur. Anticipatory grief is often a slower grieving process marked by intermittent, small or large losses. In the world of cancer, anticipatory grief may show up in a variety of ways, such as before a major surgery, losing hair from chemotherapy treatment or caring for a loved one with advanced cancer.

Join us and our guest speaker, Kristy Case. She is a licensed clinical social worker and a certified oncology social worker with more than 15 years of experience in helping people and families dealing with cancer. In this session, we will learn about anticipatory grief and ways to cope with it. We will also explore methods to heal from this challenging experience.

This workshop is intended to provide you with:

  • examples of how anticipatory grief may be showing up for you
  • healthy emotional coping tools to deal with anticipatory grief
  • engaging in rituals you may wish to incorporate as you grieve
kristy_caseKristy Case, licensed clinical social worker and a certified oncology social worker


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Friday 12-1pm ET
Apr 19

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